Connecticut Voice

Your LGBTQ+ Voice

Save Queer Art! Support NHPC

New Haven Pride has initiated a program to save queer art. Your help is needed. Click here to donate to the New Haven Pride Center Annual Fund.


If you’ve been reading the headlines lately, you’ll know that it’s no exaggeration to say that queer art is under attack! All across the country, anti-LGBTQ+ groups are targeting drag artist story hours, accusing drag performers of “grooming” and indoctrinating impressionable youth. Public libraries are also under attack including in our own state where a children’s book about legendary drag performer RuPaul Charles was removed from a Colchester public library last month after a parent complained about its “sexually provocative drawings.”

But these aren’t just attacks on queer art – they’re an attack on LGBTQ+ YOUTH! We know that young people need and deserve visible queer role models to know there’s a place and a future for them in this world.

Help us secure a future for queer youth by bringing queer art out of the bars and into the light! This PRIDE New Haven, join us as we celebrate the diversity of local queer art: from the boundary-pushing drag of “Drag on the Edge” to our all-femme burlesque show celebrating queer bodies, and genre-defying performances by local queer musicians, there is so much to look forward to!

If you value the role that queer art plays in building community and fighting for change, we ask that you join us in uplifting local queer artists by donating to our PRIDE New Haven artist fund. Hiring artists and performers – and paying them fairly – is by far the biggest expense of PRIDE New Haven. This year alone, we are paying 100+ local artists and speakers nearly $30,000 for their work. Will you help us compensate them fairly?

By giving today, you’re not only investing in the local queer community, you’re taking a stand against bigotry, for in a world where queer art is ignored, demonized, or commodified, every dollar we invest in local queer art is a protest. 

In solidarity and service,
Your NHPC Staff

Patrick, Juancarlos, Laura, Aron, Devanté, Joseph, Freddie, Ala, Jahnice, Ace, Max, Suyane, Finn, Vu, and all of our amazing interns and fellows