June is Pride month and, this year, there is no shortage of events to celebrate. Here are some of the festivities happening across the state.
Please note: this information is accurate as of the date this magazine went to press. Please check with event organizers for the most up-to-date details.
Out Film CT
Connecticut’s Annual LGBTQ Film Festival will take place June 4-13 as a hybrid event with both in-person and virtual screenings. It’s been expanded this year to a 10-day run. The in-person movie screenings will be offered at Cinestudio, an historic cinema located on the campus of Trinity College in Hartford. After a successful launch in 2020, virtual screenings of shorts and features will return via the non-profit’s website, OutFilmCT.org.
The festival is selling tickets for individual screenings as well as its popular FestiPasses for multiple-film viewing. Ticket prices vary. For more information and the full lineup of films visit, OutFilmCT.org. Questions can be emailed to info@outfilmct.org.
Fairfield County Pride Month
Triangle Community Center has orchestrated a full month of exciting Pride events for June. While it won’t host its usual “Pride in the Park” event this year, there will be lots of fun activities to bring the community together.
Some of the planned events include a Pride film series, drag bingo brunch, adult and youth silent discos, a health and wellness fair, a wine tasting, an open mic event, and much more. For a complete list of events, visit ctpridecenter.org and find ctpridecenter on Facebook and Instagram.
Middletown Pride
Middletown Pride will provide a safe space for the community, both in-person and virtually, throughout the month of June. They will once again raise awareness, celebrate, and empower the history, lives and contributions of Middletown’s LGBTQIA+ residents. The Middletown Pride Parade will be virtual this year, on June 5. For a full calendar of happenings, visit middletownpride.org and find middletownpride on Facebook, middletownpride on Instagram, and MidtownPrideCT on Twitter.
New Haven Pride Center
A day of action for racial justice virtual event will take place from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on June 13. Racial Justice and creating opportunities for LGBTQ people of color is a fundamental priority of the center. Join them as they explore how people can do the work needed to ensure that our community is a place free of racism. The day’s events will include workshops, discussion spaces, and a closing artistic performance. This program is free and will be livestreamed live on Facebook, Youtube and/or Twitch TV. For more information visit newhavenpridecenter.org/days-of-action.
The center also will host The Legend Drag Show at 8 p.m. on June 27, as an in-person and virtual event. Drag performers and educators will display drag performance styles across the decades. This event will be held on the New Haven Green and streamed on the center’s social media. For more information visit artidea.org.
Ridgefield Pride
Ridgefield Pride in the Park June 26th from 12pm-3pm, Ballard Park. For the second time, Ridgefield will hold its annual Pride in the Park celebration on June 26, from noon to 3 p.m. in Ballard Park. This is a free event. Bring a picnic lunch, blankets, your friends and family. There will be pods on the lawn for seating. Expect all kinds of music, fun games, activities and crafts. At 1 p.m. there will be a group “wave” where participants will wave their flags together, in unity and celebration. Due to COVID-19 protocols, all attendees must register in advance of attending. For more information, visit ridgefieldctpride.com. Questions can be emailed to info@ridgefieldctpride.com.
West Hartford Pride
West Hartford Pride 2021, June 26-27, In-Person & Virtual Events. Celebrate diversity and unity in West Hartford this year. Pride events run throughout June, featuring the best local, regional and national LGBTQ talent.
Events include a Pride flag raising on Unity Green in West Hartford Center at 8:30 a.m. June 1, Pride Night at the GastroPark from 4-9 p.m. June 11, an LGBTQ storytelling event at the West Hartford Universalist Church at 7 p.m. June 23, a virtual mini-film festival June 26, and a Pride Festival in BlueBack Square from 1-4 p.m. June 26, For more information, visit westhartfordpride.org. Questions can be emailed to info@westhartfordpride.org.
This year marks the first annual Westport Pride Month. One of the main goals is to increase visibility of LGBTQ residents, issues and concerns, and all are invited to attend the festivities. Highlights include a panel discussion with Dan Woog June 2 at Westport Library, Staples High School Pride Day June 4, and a Westport Pride Rally at Jesup Green from 10 a.m. to noon on June 5. For more information and a full schedule of events, find Westport Pride on Facebook and Instagram. For more information, visit westportpride.org.
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